Saturday the kids were running around in the yard with Daisy, all three just having an absolute blast. The fun ended when Daisy when she decided she was Wonder Dog and could leap off the deck. Needless to say she came in side limping. It didn’t get any better the rest of weekend, so I had to take her to the vet today. It appears to be an injured knee based on Dr. Bond’s examination. We opted not to do x-rays and to let mother nature take care of it. Please pray that she heals, so that she can get back to chasing the kids around in the yard, minus the deck!

See a few other pictures of her at the vet here. (All of these were taken with me having one hand on her and the other hand just holding the camera out, hoping for something decent. Had to make sepia tone because the wall color does not lend itself to picture taking.)
Oh no…I hope she heals quickly.
.-= CandiĀ“s last blog ..2011365-19 Shape Challenge- Donut =-.
She did something similar once and was fine! Crazy girl.
Fat dogs, who think they are Super Dogs! Hee hee.
Hope she gets better… didn’t know dogs have knees!
.-= KristalĀ“s last blog ..365-20 =-.
The wall colour comment made me smile, yeah our vet’s walls are a bit lurid. Gorgeous doggy grin tho’.