For those of you who have scouts you know this time of year means selling popcorn for Scouts. People who get annoyed at my boys for calling or coming to their door, don’t realize that this is crucial that they sell popcorn so that they can participate in scouts for the year. Especially for Teenager, who is responsible for paying his way in scouting each year since he’s in boy scouts now. He has to sell about $1500 worth of popcorn to may for most everything for the scouts.
This popcorn you see here is what Teenager hopes to sell. It has not been sold yet. It’s called Show & Sell, where he can deliver the popcorn on the spot as it’s sold. Convenient for our customers and time saving for us so that we don’t to go to each house twice.
You look like you have a better selection than what we got! One box of sweet & Savory 🙁 and only one bag of pretzels (my kid is a Tiger :D)
My Mom’s favorite microwave popcorn is Boy Scout!