Category Archives: 365 in 2011

Mommytography Project 365 ~ A picture for everyday of the year!

152/365.2011 {Hibiscus}

Love God’s little gifts that appear in the backyard!

Posted in 365 in 2011, Photographer Chick, Pics Pics Pics | 1 Comment

151/365.2011 {Weird}

This ‘baby’ tree is so cool. It started growing last year and has grown quite considerably since. I’ve noticed it gets these little pink things on the leaves. I’m not sure if the tree does that or if something is … Continue reading

Posted in 365 in 2011, Photographer Chick, Pics Pics Pics | 3 Comments

150/365.2011 {Nephew’s Baptism}

My nephew was baptized yesterday. Here’s a pic of my sis-in-law, her hubby, and their babies, who are growing up so fast! See a few more pics from Sunday morning here.

Posted in 365 in 2011, Other Family, Photographer Chick, Pics Pics Pics | 1 Comment

149/365.2011 {Splash}

Fun at Michelle & David’s house for his 39 and holding party.

Posted in 365 in 2011, Monkey Boy, Photographer Chick, Pics Pics Pics | 2 Comments

148/365.2011 {At the Lake}

Posted in 365 in 2011, Featured, Monkey Boy, Photographer Chick, Pics Pics Pics, TV Boy | 3 Comments

147/365.2011 {My Fav Drink…}

…besides Diet Coke!

Posted in 365 in 2011, Photographer Chick, Pics Pics Pics | 2 Comments

146/365.2011 {What’s This?}

I noticed this out in the natural part of our yard. Very odd, fungi of some sort, maybe??

Posted in 365 in 2011, Featured, Photographer Chick, Pics Pics Pics | 4 Comments

145/365.2011 {Kitty Key}

This Hello Kitty Key was turned in to the Lost and Found today

Posted in 365 in 2011, Featured, Photographer Chick, Pics Pics Pics | 3 Comments

144/365.2011 {Big Bang Theory?}

Yes, this bumper sticker totally makes me think of the characters on Big Band Theory!

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143/365.2011 {Chess}

Posted in 365 in 2011, Photographer Chick, Pics Pics Pics | 1 Comment

142/365.2011 {Opposites}

Not everything this black and white!

Posted in 365 in 2011, Photographer Chick, Pics Pics Pics | 1 Comment

141/365.2011 {Ding Dongs}

One of my favorite “goodies”…

Posted in 365 in 2011, Photographer Chick, Pics Pics Pics | 1 Comment

140/365.2011 {Security Light}

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139/365.2011 {Herbs}

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138/365.2011 {Library Sign}

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137/365.2011 {C-c-c-c-cold!}

They’re doing work in the building to the water system which is wreaking havoc on the temp in the building. Since it is a library they can’t raise the temp too high because it will raise the humidity. Books and … Continue reading

Posted in 365 in 2011, Photographer Chick, Pics Pics Pics | 1 Comment

136/365.2011 {Corridor to Success}

Posted in 365 in 2011, Featured, Photographer Chick, Pics Pics Pics | 4 Comments

135/365.2011 {End of the Season Party}

See all the party pics here.

Posted in 365 in 2011, Mama Drama, Monkey Boy, Photographer Chick, Pics Pics Pics, Sports Fan 101 | 1 Comment

134/365.2011 {Scout Expo}

Scout Expo

Posted in 365 in 2011, Featured, Mama Drama, Monkey Boy, Mr. Mag, Photographer Chick, Pics Pics Pics | Comments Off on 134/365.2011 {Scout Expo}

133/365.2011 {No Falling Down the Stairs!}

Posted in 365 in 2011, Featured, Photographer Chick, Pics Pics Pics | 2 Comments