Category Archives: Monkey Boy

My 6 year old

196.365 {Doing what he does…}

Posted in 365 in 2013, Mama Drama, Monkey Boy, Pics Pics Pics | Comments Off on 196.365 {Doing what he does…}

188.365 {Monkey stands next to the Sequoyah Statue}

Here’s an explanation of the statue: Pictures of Toth’s other sculptures here.

Posted in 365 in 2013, Monkey Boy, Pics Pics Pics | Comments Off on 188.365 {Monkey stands next to the Sequoyah Statue}

185.365 {Running the Rails}

Posted in 365 in 2013, Monkey Boy, Pics Pics Pics | Comments Off on 185.365 {Running the Rails}

180.365 {Excited!}

Rob driving the church bus while Monkey and I sit in the back riding up to Atlanta to pick up Teenager and the rest of the Philmont Crew!

Posted in 365 in 2013, Mama Drama, Monkey Boy, Pics Pics Pics | Comments Off on 180.365 {Excited!}

165.365 {Precious}

Having Teenager leave at the crack of dawn this morning, gone for 16 days, I miss him already. Many nights I peek in on this lil’ one, but tonight I took a few extra seconds to gaze at how sweet … Continue reading

Posted in 365 in 2013, Mama Drama, Monkey Boy, Pics Pics Pics | Comments Off on 165.365 {Precious}

147.365 {Lincoln Log Tower}

Posted in 365 in 2013, Mama Drama, Monkey Boy, Photographer Chick, Pics Pics Pics | Comments Off on 147.365 {Lincoln Log Tower}

146.365 {Tubin’}

Posted in 365 in 2013, Friends, Fun Times, Monkey Boy, Photographer Chick, Pics Pics Pics, TV Boy | Comments Off on 146.365 {Tubin’}

141.365 {It’s the Little Things…}

that can bring such joy.

Posted in 365 in 2013, Mama Drama, Monkey Boy, Pics Pics Pics | Comments Off on 141.365 {It’s the Little Things…}

140.365 {Treat with Monkey}

Posted in 365 in 2013, Mama Drama, Monkey Boy, Pics Pics Pics | Comments Off on 140.365 {Treat with Monkey}

139.365 {1st Swim of the Summer}

Posted in 365 in 2013, Mama Drama, Monkey Boy, Pics Pics Pics | 1 Comment

138.365 {Hanging out with my lil’ one}

Posted in 365 in 2013, Mama Drama, Monkey Boy, Pics Pics Pics | Comments Off on 138.365 {Hanging out with my lil’ one}

132.365 {Up in Tree}

Posted in 365 in 2013, Mama Drama, Monkey Boy, Pics Pics Pics | Comments Off on 132.365 {Up in Tree}

96.365 {My Monkey}

Posted in 365 in 2013, Monkey Boy, Pics Pics Pics | Comments Off on 96.365 {My Monkey}

79.365 {My lil’ helper at work}

Continue reading

Posted in 365 in 2013, Library Love, Monkey Boy, Pics Pics Pics | Comments Off on 79.365 {My lil’ helper at work}

75.365 {Monkey at the Park}

Posted in 365 in 2013, Monkey Boy, Pics Pics Pics | 1 Comment

67.365 {Blue & Gold Banquet}

post is here.

Posted in 365 in 2013, Mama Drama, Monkey Boy, Pics Pics Pics | Comments Off on 67.365 {Blue & Gold Banquet}

66.365 {Birthday Goody Bags}

Posted in 365 in 2013, Birthdays, Mama Drama, Monkey Boy, Pics Pics Pics | Comments Off on 66.365 {Birthday Goody Bags}

65.365 {Monkey’s Birthday Celebration begins at Shogun}

Posted in 365 in 2013, Birthdays, Mama Drama, Monkey Boy, Pics Pics Pics | Comments Off on 65.365 {Monkey’s Birthday Celebration begins at Shogun}

62.365 {Singing at Church}

Posted in 365 in 2013, Mama Drama, Monkey Boy, Pics Pics Pics | Comments Off on 62.365 {Singing at Church}

60.365 {Baseball at Plainsman Park}

Posted in 365 in 2013, Monkey Boy, Pics Pics Pics, War Eagle! | Comments Off on 60.365 {Baseball at Plainsman Park}