Monthly Archives: February 2013

39.365 {Flag Ceremony}

Today Monkey’s Den got to do the Flag ceremony at the Pack meeting. He led the Pledge of Allegiance.

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38.365 {My Name}

Fat Mum Slim‘s prompt today is “My Name.”

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37.365 {Soft}

Fat Mum Slim‘s prompt today was “Soft.” Love my clown bear we got when we visited Macy’s in NYC back in 2004. Love that place!

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36.365 {Something I Smelled Today}

Fat Mum Slim‘s prompt today was “Something You Smelled.” I love the smell of cantaloupe. ivermectina para la sarna en humanos I bought a whole one the other day and was so happy to look in the fridge today and … Continue reading

Posted in 365 in 2013, Mama Drama, Photographer Chick, Pics Pics Pics | 1 Comment

35.365 {Hope}

Fat Mum Slim‘s prompt today was “Hope” and I found this while cleaning the other day and I think of hope in knowing that I am blessed by Him.

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34.365 {Communion}

Today was the last day of our retreat. We enjoyed breakfast, another cold hike back up to our meeting spot, a wonderful service with communion, and our goodbyes to all our new friends. ivermectina dosis perros en ml

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33.365 {Takin’ her down}

Here’s Teenager taking a friend who happens to be a girl down during the boys vs. girls football game during the youth winter retreat. She doesn’t look too upset.

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32.365 {Fun Beginning to Winter Retreat}

Fun night for Monkey at Winter Retreat. This is what he got to do after his bible study, while Rob and I worshiped.

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