The wedding pic I chose is from my wedding, which was way back when and hence, taken with film. The scanned pics aren’t that great, but this is one that people love including me. I never planned to put cake in his face, but it’s just one of those things. As you can see, he got me back pretty good!

Be sure to check out I ♥ Faces to see all the other beautiful faces that have been entered into the contest!
.-= Jessica Foster´s last blog ..I Heart Faces!! Wedding Bells =-.
great fun shot! i always love it when the cake gets the best of us! a great stress reliever, maybe?
i have my wedding shot posted now also. feel free to come on over for a visit 🙂
.-= alice´s last blog ..I ? Faces Weddings =-.
Lol – you guys are obviously a very fun couple. I would have totally killed my hubby had he done this to me on my wedding day : )
What a look you’re giving the camera, too. LOL At least it seemed to be taken in stride. 🙂
.-= Brad´s last blog ..Wedding Bells – I ? Faces =-.
Such a fun photo! Spur of the moment fun things like that are really what you’ll remember…as evidenced in this post!
.-= the monkey’s mama´s last blog ..Ooo la la…a discount! =-.