30/365.2011 {Following a Shadow}

Following a Shadow

Teenager wanted a new picture for his profile on Facebook. He wanted one with his practice jersey on with just his back. I did a few to please him and then did a few to please me. 😉 Here’s one I did for me and then I edited it with a Midnight Sepia action. Kind of dark, but dreamy.

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4 Responses to 30/365.2011 {Following a Shadow}

  1. Tracy says:

    That cracks me up when I see profile pics like that…must be a fad.

  2. Interesting profile – we don’t do photos on fb so both of ours are similar.

  3. Anita says:

    Love the catch of the shadow and the editing.

  4. Jenn says:

    I think the softness to this picture is perfect. Great edit and great picture.

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