8/365.2011 {Daisy::Our Newest Addition}

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6 Responses to 8/365.2011 {Daisy::Our Newest Addition}

  1. Tracy says:

    YEAH!!! I am so glad she is adjusting well. Our house a a bit different without her and I told my son to make sure to let her out, when we got home tonight! LOL. Guess it will take a day or two to get used to! 🙂

  2. Candi says:

    Awesome. I had no idea when Rob said that y’all were getting a new Corgy, that you were getting Daisy.
    .-= Candi´s last blog ..2011365-8 =-.

  3. Leslee says:

    Daisy looks VERY happy! Those two boys will indeed keep her busy 🙂

    I ♥ how she knows the camera!!! Great picture!!!

  4. Kristal says:

    Awe, that is so sweet. Daisy is a good dog, I’ve met her!
    .-= Kristal´s last blog ..365-9 =-.

  5. Anita says:

    Everyone looks happy with the new addition. Congrats.

  6. Congratulations on your latest family addition. Your sons look very happy with her.
    .-= Amanda Fernandes´s last blog ..365-009 =-.

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