Category Archives: Pic of the Day

152.365 {Fav Quote from “The Happiness Project”}

Posted in 365 in 2013, I am Woman..., Pic of the Day, Pics Pics Pics | 1 Comment

54.365 {Deliveries}

Today Teenager’s Boy Scout troop delivered Yellowbooks to help fundraise. Needless to say it was not an easy task by any stretch of the imagination! Rob was in-charge of heading this project up, but he had to leave to take … Continue reading

Posted in 365 in 2013, Bloggin' It, Mama Drama, Pic of the Day, Pics Pics Pics, TV Boy | Comments Off on 54.365 {Deliveries}

50.365 {New Shoes}

Going to workout…Zumba!! Here I come. 🙂

Posted in 365 in 2013, I am Woman..., In My Free Time, Me, Myself, & I, Photographer Chick, Pic of the Day, Pics Pics Pics | Comments Off on 50.365 {New Shoes}

27.365 {Dislike}

Today’s prompt at Capture Your 365 is “Dislike.” On my to do list one of the things I needed to do was Laundry, next on my list was take my 365 pic for today. Laundry was on my mind and … Continue reading

Posted in 365 in 2013, Cleaning, Mama Drama, My So-Called Life, Photographer Chick, Pic of the Day, Pics Pics Pics | Comments Off on 27.365 {Dislike}

15.365 {Moss Fungus?}

Posted in 365 in 2013, Photographer Chick, Pic of the Day, Pics Pics Pics | 1 Comment

12.365 {Daisy}

My sweet girl…

Posted in 365 in 2013, Photographer Chick, Pic of the Day, Pics Pics Pics | 1 Comment

11.365 {CDs}

Posted in 365 in 2013, Photographer Chick, Pic of the Day, Pics Pics Pics | 1 Comment

9.365 {Papers}

Fat Mum Slim‘s prompt today is “paper.” I had planned to do Capture 365‘s prompt, which was “peaceful,” but when I was out running errands I forgot to bring my camera. Consequently, I had to scratch that idea and do … Continue reading

Posted in 365 in 2013, Other Family, Photographer Chick, Pic of the Day, Pics Pics Pics | 1 Comment

8.365 {Bells will be Ringing}

I’ve been keeping a secret from you. Ok…well, not really. I just hadn’t mentioned it, but back in October I think it was, Rob finally convinced me to start playing bells with him at church. cheap scabo Tuesdays are the … Continue reading

Posted in 365 in 2013, Me, Myself, & I, Photographer Chick, Pic of the Day, Pics Pics Pics | 1 Comment

2.365 {Hanging in the Hammock}

Teenager set up his new hammock in the backyard. He even pulled Daisy up there.

Posted in 365 in 2013, Mama Drama, Pic of the Day, Pics Pics Pics, TV Boy | 1 Comment

1.365 {My View of Today}

Yep, I’m giving it another shot. ????? ??? ??? ?????? “It” meaning the 365 Project, which is where you take 1 pic a day for the entire year. Never hurts to try and maybe one of these years I’ll actually … Continue reading

Posted in 365 in 2013, Photographer Chick, Pic of the Day, Pics Pics Pics, The Fab 4 | Comments Off on 1.365 {My View of Today}