Fill in the Blank Friday {Summer Edition}

1. My plans this summer include everything I put on this list.

2. The best summer I ever had was…
Well, for this one I couldn’t just finish the sentence. I have to say that my summers growing up were always so much fun. Being an independent “only child”, when I wasn’t busy going to camp or College for kids or volunteering at the local hospital, I enjoyed watching old re-runs, riding my bike to friends’ houses, going on trips with my Granddad and Grandmother, going for a drive while eating Braum’s ice cream.

Leaving DC

But probably more favorite than all of those was my first summer here in Auburn. I know it was really stressful in many ways, but I tend to forget that, because it’s over-shadowed by wonderful memories of Rob and I hanging out and going to the beach.
First Trip to the Beach

First Trip to the Beach

3. Summer is for relaxing, playing “catch-up”, hanging out with friends and family, and traveling.

4. My favorite summer food is watermelon, strawberry shortcake, and banana puddin’. I first thought of ice cream, but I eat that year round, so I didn’t think it should be my answer.

5. The best way to quench a summer thirst is with an ice cold lemonade.

6. My summer uniform consists of t-shirt, shorts, and flip-flops.

7. The best thing about summer is having downtime. Not worrying (as much) about running the kids to this practice or that game.

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