{I ♥ Faces} Week 27 – Pets

Here’s Johnny Girl at the old ballpark. Finding an old Mountain Dew bottle near the fence kept her busy for nearly an hour! She loved it.

Mountain Dew Ad?

Be sure to check out I ♥ Faces to see all the other beautiful faces that have been entered into the contest!

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4 Responses to {I ♥ Faces} Week 27 – Pets

  1. Alicia says:

    What a cute cute cute picture! Great entry. 🙂
    .-= Alicia´s last blog ..I ? Faces – Sports In Action & Pets =-.

  2. Really cool 🙂
    .-= nina Elisabeth Bakke´s last blog ..Week 27 – I heart faces =-.

  3. Tidymom says:

    What a cutie!!

  4. This is so cute! I love puppies!
    .-= Fotografia Squared´s last blog ..I ? Faces Week 27: Pets =-.

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