Lovin’ Snail Mail Swap

The NO Drama Mama

How fun is it to get to know someone through their pinterest, instagram, and blog. Then, think about all the things you discovered about them, go out and buy a few things you think they would like. I know growing up getting mail or better yet a package in the mail just made this girl giddy. So back in May I signed up for the Lovin’ Snail Mail Swap and I got paired with Mariah. Boy, did send me a box to keep me busy this summer!

No detail forgotten…

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Precious hand-made greeting. So cute!

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So excited to finally get my hands on this book! Thanks, Mariah!

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2 beautiful yards of fabric to get me started

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Lovely hand-knitted wash clothes

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This was so fun and I’m so happy I got paired with Mariah. Thanks again, girl!

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2 Responses to Lovin’ Snail Mail Swap

  1. Kristal says:

    I will have to look up that book for my girl!

    I love fun mail!

  2. So glad you had fun! Love that fabric!

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