ACK! After I posted this, I realized I did 2 flowers in a row again….oh well!

Original taken on 11/06/2005

ACK! After I posted this, I realized I did 2 flowers in a row again….oh well!
1. The last thing I ate was… a Hershey Kiss
2. The next thing I’d like to eat is… dinner
3. The best things… are those that come with hard work and determination.
4. Something that makes me supremely and utterly happy is… ???? ????? being care free. Once in a blue moon, I find that there’s nothing weighing me down and I can for a few moments just be happy. I hate being a worry wart!
5. Sports are… a part of life with a sport-fanatic husband and two boys that play sports and are area also avid fans. Additionally, being a graduate of an SEC school, you’d be crazy not to love football! It just becomes part of life.
6. I miss… Texas!
7. Right now I am… listening to jazz and trying to fight a headache as my 7 year old commentates his own actions as he plays a game he has made up. Calagon…take me away!
One of my favorite pics of Monkey. I used CoffeeShop Action Butterscotch Vintage.
A few weeks ago when Rob was gone for the weekend with Teenager, I watched some movies online. Here’s a quick rundown of what I watched.
Water for Elephants
This movie ranks way up there for me. Through out the movie I saw parallels between it and Titanic. Great love story. Love the characters.
More about it here.
No Strings Attached
More about this movie here.
Yes, another chick-flick. What can I say, I’m a sucker for ’em! This movie was everything I’d hoped it would be! Love the characters. Yes, it’s cheezy. Yes, you know how it’s going to end. But, I found it entertaining and that’s why I gave it 3 stars.
Something Borrowed
This was NOT a great chick-flick. In a word: annoying!
More about this movie here.
When I got off work this evening I had to go over to Rob’s work for something. I was a bit freaked out to see several of these little guys waiting near the door. He was nice enough to stay and let me grab this shot.
2. I want to… reinstate mandatory monthly dates with Rob. I miss when we did that!
3. Surprises are… awesome! As long as it’s not a surprise like the car breaks down.
4. The best accessory is… earrings.
5. My favorite warm drink is… hot chocolate.
6. My favorite cold drink is… diet coke.
7. Currently loving… my new job!
one of THE best days I’ve had in a very long time! I was finally offered the job. For anyone who’s read some of my past posts, you know that I’ve been “playing the waiting game” for about 3 weeks. Thursday brought good news, a great offer, and some very much needed relief! After THREE years of being unemployed/underemployed, I now no longer have to cringe at the thought of looking at a newspaper (because I know I need to look at the WANT ads), or scour the internet looking for job possibilities… Really the list could go on. I’ve spent the last 3 years with so much of my life and my family’s life on hold. gaminator letöltése pc I don’t know how much people really realized what Rob and I were going through. Probably not. I’ll say that being jobless or not having a permanent job has consumed me to the core. It’s been a nightmare, I’d never wish on anyone. kocsmai nyer?gépes játékok ingyen kockás But, I can now say that I am an employee of the University from which I graduated, which brings great benefits!!
I know I’m again weeks behind on my 365 project, but I’m still taking pics. I’ve just got to get them uploaded at some point. I have several other posts to get caught up on, but right now I’m knee deep in doing new job stuff, vacation bible school, dentists appointments at, etc!
Post is here.
I’ve decided for days that I can’t get a shot, I’m going to look through my archives and find an old shot and make it new with some editing. I’m just really unmotivated, which makes me sad, and I really don’t want to give up on the 365 project. I love to look through old pics, find what I thought was a ‘dud’ and make it cool. So here goes!
1. This weekend I’m… going to relax, get some cleaning done, and just enjoy being with the fam.
2. My last vacation was… in May when we wen to Nashville for a soccer tourney.
3. My next vacation will be… in September when we go to Texas for me sister’s wedding.
4. My favorite way to relax is… just hang out by myself in my recliner and watch TV, surf the net, or read.
5. When vacationing one should always… ?????????? ???? ????? sleep in.
6. When vacationing one should never… worry about life back home.
7. The best part about a vacation is… getting away from it all.