Things I am Thankful {the List}

Day 1 – My blog & the company who hosts my sites
Day 2 – Health insurance & AU employee pharmacy
Day 3 – Friends
Day 4 – Freedom
Day 5 – My job
Day 6 – My church
Day 7 – My student workers
Day 8 – My ability to help others
Day 9 – Great Scouting program
Day 10 – Opportunity to learn
Day 11 – Veterans
Day 12 – Daisy
Day 13 – My boys
Day 14 – Rob
Day 15 – Beautiful scenes created by God
Day 16 – Family
Day 17 – Technology
Day 18 – Auburn
Day 19 – Food Network
Day 20 – My Humble Abode
Day 21 – My In-Laws
Day 22 – Bloggers
Day 23 – Music
Day 24 – Cameras
Day 25 – The Little Things
Day 26 – Life
Day 27 – The Non-necessities of life
Day 28 – Christmas Time
Day 29 – Past experiences
Day 30 – Entertainment

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