Weekly Menu {August 18-22, 2014}

Magnolia Mom's Weekly Meal Plan

Well, we survived the first week back to school and I’m super pumped about that! I’ve got another great menu set for this week.

Monday: Crockpot Chili with Cornbread Waffles

Chili with Cornbread Waffle

Tuesday: Garlic Parmesan Chicken with Rice Pilaf

Garlic Parmesan Chicken

Wednesday: Sausage and Rice Stuffed Peppers

Sausage and Rice Stuffed Peppers

Thursday: Teriyaki Marinated Pork with mac & cheese and baked beans

Teriyaki Marinade

Friday: Italian Meatball Burger

Italian Meatball Burger

With it being back to school time, I always think back to the days of PBJ sandwiches and lunch boxes. I’d love for you to try these peanut butter and jelly topped muffins. Great for breakfast, lunch, or a mid-day snack.

Peanut Butter and Jelly Muffins

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9 Responses to Weekly Menu {August 18-22, 2014}

  1. Brooke Ellen says:

    These all look so yummy! DO you want to come cook for me!? Hahaha. Just about all of these are going on my list to make!



  2. Stephanie says:

    PB & J muffins? Yes please! Thanks for the tasty idea.

  3. Nancherrow says:

    Yum! I love the idea of pairing cornbread waffles with chili. Thanks for sharing! Stopping by from the Blog Love FB link. I would love for you to stop by and share this week at Fridays Unfolded.


  4. Trish says:

    Cornbread waffles!? Why have I never heard of this? Looks delish!

  5. These all look yummy! I love cornbread waffles with chili 🙂 and your PB & J muffins I am going to have to try.

  6. chili with waffles!! yes!! This is where it’s at~I must do this, too! 😀

  7. yum! Chili and waffles!! That’s where it’s at! I’m so making this, soon 😀

  8. Ashliegh says:

    Those stuffed peppers need to make their way to my house asap! Delicious!

  9. Alex says:

    The Garlic Parmesan Chicken is something I’d love to try. Pinned it!

    Alex – Funky Jungle

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