Category Archives: Linky Love

Links I find and like

Friday Finds

Today I’m starting a new series called “Friday Finds.” This is just going to be a collection of things that I find that week, from new blogs, to stuff on pinterest, or who knows… So this week I found: Lil … Continue reading

Posted in Bloggin' It, Featured, Linky Love | 2 Comments

New Digs

I’ve been wanting a new banner for my scroller at the top. I mentioned it over on my facebook page that I wanted a change and my wonderful Sister-in-law, Maria, jumped to action. Yes, I’m so priviledged to have a … Continue reading

Posted in Bloggin' It, Linky Love | 3 Comments

New Button

For those of you who like buttons, I made a new button today. I’ve put it on my sidebar also along with my business photography button. Here’s the code for my pretty new button if you would like to use … Continue reading

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