Category Archives: Me, Myself, & I

Obviously ME!

Proverbs 31 Wife {Questions 21-25}

Here’s my next set of questions. If you missed my first post about being a Proverbs 31 Wife, you can find it here. Questions 6-10 Questions 11-15 Questions 16-20 #21. Have you ever taken a job out of need over … Continue reading

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Proverbs 31 Wife {Questions 16-20}

Here’s my next set of questions. If you missed my first post about being a Proverbs 31 Wife, you can find it here. Questions 6-10 Questions 11-15 #16. Does your husband listen to your advice? How do you influence him? … Continue reading

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Proverbs 31 Wife {Questions 11-15}

Here’s my next set of questions. If you missed my first post about being a Proverbs 31 Wife, you can find it here. My 2nd post is here. #11. Have you ever done something out of your element? What was … Continue reading

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Proverbs 31 Wife {Questions 6-10}

Here’s my next set of questions. If you missed my first post, you can find it here. #6. How do you balance work and family? I’m not sure if I am balancing work and family. With my current job, I … Continue reading

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Proverbs 31 Wife {Questions 1-5}

Sunday was my birthday and although, I had to work, we celebrated much of the weekend. We went to Olive Garden Saturday night. Sunday after church we we went to Cheeburger Cheeburger. Rob got me a couple of books that … Continue reading

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Library Story #3

One of the greatest parts of my job is working with college students. They bring such joy and a different take on life. Their worlds are so different from mine and really most adults. I wonder sometimes if I was … Continue reading

Posted in Library Love, Me, Myself, & I | 2 Comments

Fill in the Blank Friday

1. Today is a good day because… I got to spend extra time with Rob. 2. The best thing I did all week was… I got to have lunch with my best bud. 3. The current weather is… chili and … Continue reading

Posted in Featured, Me, Myself, & I | 3 Comments

1/52 Self Portrait with a little Sun Flare

Ok, I’m going to try this again. I hate looking in the mirror, much less taking a picture of myself. Ahhhh! But, I’m going to try it again. This was taken on my bedroom balcony and I got a little … Continue reading

Posted in Me, Myself, & I, Photographer Chick, Pics Pics Pics | 3 Comments

Listening to that “Little” Voice

Today started out like any other day. Kids up, back to bed, sleep, up for lunch, then off to work… As I was walking into work, a colleague of mine, John*, (who is also a good friend of the family) … Continue reading

Posted in Friends, Mama Drama, Me, Myself, & I | 2 Comments

Fill in the Blank Friday

The holiday season is my favorite time of year. I love soaking up all that the Christmas season has to offer, from the smells, the decorations, the food, Christmas movies, cooking for the occasion. There’s not much that I don’t … Continue reading

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Things I am Thankful {the List}

Day 1 – My blog & the company who hosts my sites Day 2 – Health insurance & AU employee pharmacy Day 3 – Friends Day 4 – Freedom Day 5 – My job Day 6 – My church Day … Continue reading

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Fill in the Blank Friday

1. A nervous habit I have is shaking my leg or rocking front to back. 2. Something that makes me sad is being away from my family. 3. Today I am thankful for medication. 4. My favorite room in my … Continue reading

Posted in Me, Myself, & I, MeMe | 1 Comment

Fill in the Blank Friday

1. My favorite new blog of the moment is Behind the Camera and Dreaming. 2. Something I am thankful for is my family. 3. Something that made me laugh this week was old video footage that I’ve been going through. … Continue reading

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Fill in the Blank Friday

1. My favorite thing about this week was finishing up on some crafts. 2. Colder weather makes me want to bundle up and get cozy by the fireplace. 3. Three things that make me terribly happy as of late are … Continue reading

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279/365.2011 {Football}

Monkey had his 1st football game today. He’s playing flag football this Fall. He’s on defense…naturally.

Posted in 365 in 2011, Mama Drama, Me, Myself, & I, Monkey Boy, Photographer Chick | Comments Off on 279/365.2011 {Football}

272/365.2011 {Weird Al Concert!}

Tonight we went to see Weird Al at the MPAC. He was awesome as usual.

Posted in Birthdays, Concerts, Entertain me, Me, Myself, & I, Monkey Boy, Mr. Mag, The Fab 4, TV Boy | Comments Off on 272/365.2011 {Weird Al Concert!}

229/365.2011 {The Demise of Mell Hall}

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201/365.2011 {Circ}

Weathered cart….

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195/365.2011 {Newspapers}

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194/365.2011 {From the Supply Cabinet}

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