Here’s my next set of questions. If you missed my first post about being a Proverbs 31 Wife, you can find it here.
Questions 6-10
Questions 11-15
Questions 16-20
Questions 21-25
Questions 26-30
Questions 31-35
36. What do you think about Sara’s statement, “We reflect Jesus in the small things so our families can see him in the bigger things.” Is this hard to do? Why or why not?
Sara tells a funny story about walking her dog and picking up another dog’s “droppings.” She could feel God pushing her to do that and to interact with the owner of that dog. Sara thought to herself, “I want to serve like Jesus to this guy, whether he realizes it or not.” I think God brings us to certain situations in life, so when He talks to us, we need to listen. We need to be ready to act on those “little voices” in our heads. So something as small as picking up dog’s “droppings” may seem silly, but it’s in those little things that reflect that Jesus lives in us.
37. What’s the silliest cooking mistake you’ve ever made?
Rob and I had been married 2 years or so. We had some shrimp from Louisiana that I had decided to use in Shrimp pasta. I misread the recipe and used 4 tablespoons instead of a 1/4 of a tablespoon of Cayenne pepper. Don’t judge! I was still learning how to cook. I didn’t know how potent Cayenne pepper was, so I didn’t think twice about it. Needless to say, we couldn’t eat it, because it was so dang hot.
38. Do you think Sara changed since the beginning of her experiment? What lessons do you think she learned? What do you think she’s still working on?
I really think she did. Through that year, her priorities changed and she began to reflect on decisions she made earlier in life. I think she’s still working on some of the domestic things, like sewing. I’m right there with her on that one. 🙂
39. What part(s) of the book make you think about your own life as a wife? What are things you do well? What are things you’d like to do better?
I loved Sara’s stories, many of which I could relate to in one way or another. I think I’m good at compromising. I may not be consistent with many of the household duties, but I hope that Rob sees that it’s not because I don’t care. I would love to be the perfect lil’ suzy homemaker, but I honestly don’t have the time or energy. I do the best that I can. That’s all he or anyone can ask for, right?
40. In what ways is your relationship with God an influence on your life as a Proverbs 31 wife?
Being a Godly woman is something strong Christian women should want for themselves. In that, you should understand the standards/expectations (whatever you want to call it) that are written in Proverbs 31 and do your best to strive for those goals.