Tonight Monkey and I went to the first SEC Women’s basketball game of the season. Fun times! I brought along my Point & Shoot. Then, when I got home and looked at the pics, I couldn’t decide which one to use so I just made a collage with PicMonkey.
Yep, I’m giving it another shot. ????? ??? ??? ?????? “It” meaning the 365 Project, which is where you take 1 pic a day for the entire year. Never hurts to try and maybe one of these years I’ll actually finish, right? yyy online 5
Today I’ve been trying to wrap up a bunch of different projects left over from 2012 while hanging out with the family watching lots and lots of football. ???? ?????
Click on the pic to see the notes I added to the pic.
36. What do you think about Sara’s statement, “We reflect Jesus in the small things so our families can see him in the bigger things.” Is this hard to do? Why or why not?
Sara tells a funny story about walking her dog and picking up another dog’s “droppings.” She could feel God pushing her to do that and to interact with the owner of that dog. Sara thought to herself, “I want to serve like Jesus to this guy, whether he realizes it or not.” I think God brings us to certain situations in life, so when He talks to us, we need to listen. We need to be ready to act on those “little voices” in our heads. So something as small as picking up dog’s “droppings” may seem silly, but it’s in those little things that reflect that Jesus lives in us.
37. What’s the silliest cooking mistake you’ve ever made?
Rob and I had been married 2 years or so. We had some shrimp from Louisiana that I had decided to use in Shrimp pasta. I misread the recipe and used 4 tablespoons instead of a 1/4 of a tablespoon of Cayenne pepper. Don’t judge! I was still learning how to cook. I didn’t know how potent Cayenne pepper was, so I didn’t think twice about it. Needless to say, we couldn’t eat it, because it was so dang hot.
38. Do you think Sara changed since the beginning of her experiment? What lessons do you think she learned? What do you think she’s still working on?
I really think she did. Through that year, her priorities changed and she began to reflect on decisions she made earlier in life. I think she’s still working on some of the domestic things, like sewing. I’m right there with her on that one. 🙂
39. What part(s) of the book make you think about your own life as a wife? What are things you do well? What are things you’d like to do better?
I loved Sara’s stories, many of which I could relate to in one way or another. I think I’m good at compromising. I may not be consistent with many of the household duties, but I hope that Rob sees that it’s not because I don’t care. I would love to be the perfect lil’ suzy homemaker, but I honestly don’t have the time or energy. I do the best that I can. That’s all he or anyone can ask for, right?
40. In what ways is your relationship with God an influence on your life as a Proverbs 31 wife?
Being a Godly woman is something strong Christian women should want for themselves. In that, you should understand the standards/expectations (whatever you want to call it) that are written in Proverbs 31 and do your best to strive for those goals.
Here’s my LAST set of questions. If you missed my first post about being a Proverbs 31 Wife, you can find it here.
Questions 6-10
Questions 11-15
Questions 16-20
Questions 21-25
Questions 26-30
31. What causes you to feel completely overwhelmed? How do you respond? What tools do you use to stay organized?
I’m easily stressed, especially now that I have a job that isn’t stressful. Depending on why I’m stressed determines how I react. Most of the time the stress consumes me. It’s all I can think about, but just like Sara said instead of being overwhelmed with the stress or the problem, I should concentrate on God and prayer. I’m going to work on that. I live by a to-do list.
32. What’s something sweet and surprising your husband has done for you?
Rob does sweet things for me. I love surprises and it doesn’t even have to be a big thing. I loved one time he brought me a big candy bar. gaminator code Totally made my day. I love the thought and I love chocolate. 🙂
33. How do you hand arguments with your husband?
We don’t hardly ever argue, but when we do we usually have the time we stay in different rooms, give silent treatment, sometimes a “sorry,” and then we go on like nothing happened. This only occurs a couple times a year.
34. How do you welcome your husband home when he has been out of town or away on business? gaminator bónusz kód Do you show him a lot of love or just his to-do list?
Rob hardly ever gone for extended periods of time, but when he is I greet him with a hug and kiss, sometimes a home-cooked meal.
35. Have you ever tried to learn a new skill? What happened?
I’m always trying new things. One thing I’ve tried and had put off was knitting. tml sportfogadás I watched videos and tried to work along with it. It just didn’t work. I’ll pick it back up and try again some day.
#26. Sara struggles in identifying her role as wife, mom, career woman, and author. She juggles a lot of titles and tries to make sense of how they all work together. Have you ever struggled with titles you or someone else has put on you? How did it affect you?
I’m not sure I’ve ever been concerned with my “title.” People know I’m a “busy Mom” who works at the AU library. I used to also be called “teacher.”
#27. What are you passionate about? How does this fit in with your role as a wife?
I’m not sure I’m passionate about anything. I enjoy many things, but too much of any one thing tends to get to be a “chore.” That’s just the way I am.
#28. Have you ever experienced something wonderful and you worried how it might affect your spouse? Or your spouse did not share in your happiness or felt left out as a result? How did you handle it?
I can’t think of a time that I experienced something wonderful and I worried that it might affect Rob. I have had a time that I’ve been excited and “pumped” about something. Rob was totally in a bad mood, when I came home to tell him about it, he blew me off, and hurt my feelings. I think I handled it by leaving the room and staying away from him the rest of that night. Silent treatment.
#29. How much influence do you have when it comes to your home? What do you find yourself compromising on? What do you wish you didn’t have to compromise on?
I influence all major decisions. Rob and I discuss all major life decisions. As far as compromising, I’m easily convinced on somethings and Rob is good at helping me see his side of things. There are somethings I put my foot down on though. I don’t think I compromise on things that will upset me later.
#30. Have you ever struggled with working in a job outside the home and taking care of your family? Describe your situation. Have you ever been misunderstood by people you worked with, either in your job or as a wife and/or mom?
Sometimes I’m extremely envious of women who have husband’s that allow them to stay home. God doesn’t want us to have those feelings, so I try not to ponder on those thoughts when I have them. Like Theodore Roosevelt said, “Comparison is the thief of joy!” It is so true. I’m not sure I’ve been misunderstood, at least not with people I care about.
#21. Have you ever taken a job out of need over desire? How did you grow from it?
Yes, during my time of unemployment, I did several “jobs” that were not fun, but something to help us get by. I grew from it, by seeing myself do things I didn’t think I could endure. Proving to myself I can adapt to many different situations and job environments.
#22. In what ways to you try to honor your husband when you’re out in public together? Are there things you could do better?
I’m not sure that I “honor” Rob in public. What would an example of that be? I’m not sure Sara talked about that in the book…I know I could honor him by not saying condescending and negative things to our friends about him. In fact, I’ve already started really working on that. I know that when I’m unhappy about something I need to express it to him and no one else. It’s no one else’s business. I’m sure there are other things that I could do better when it comes to honoring him in public, but that is the main one that pops into my head.
#23. How consistent are you in your housekeeping tasks? How consistent are you in spending time reading your Bible and praying? Do you ever find the two go hand in hand? Why or why not?
I try so hard to keep up with housework. Sometimes, I do so good. At other times, I don’t have the energy to get out of bed, much less clean. As far as praying, I’m pretty diligent with that. Reading the bible, not as much. After my Emmaus walk, I did awesome! But just like with anything else, “life gets in the way.” I know that’s not an excuse. I think with both, housework and bible study, the issue is that we get so busy and we don’t make it a priority.
#24. Do you agree with Sara that the wife is the thermostat of the home? Why or why not? If you had to assign a temperature to yourself, what would it usually be and why? What do you wish it would be?
A lot of times, yes, if Momma ain’t happy, nobody’s happy! I think I’m usually pretty cool, because I try (yes, TRY) to keep things calm, COOL, and collected. As hard as I try, it doesn’t always happen.
#25. How bad is it to wait and trust God for something? Describe a time you had to do just that?
Waiting on and trusting God can be difficult and can be quite trying. The unemployment was a time that this really was an issue with me, but I’ve already talked about that some, so I’ll talk about when we were trying to conceive again. I just couldn’t understand why it wasn’t happening. The lesson I learned from this is, is that as hard as you try, if it’s not in God’s plan, it isn’t going to happen. I remember just about to be to the point that I was saying, “it’s obviously not in God’s plan for us to have another baby.” And of course, it was at that time that it happened!
Here’s my next set of questions. If you missed my first post about being a Proverbs 31 Wife, you can find it here.
Questions 6-10
Questions 11-15
#16. Does your husband listen to your advice? How do you influence him? How do you influence your family?
I’m not sure that give him a lot of advice, but when he asks I give it and he always takes it into consideration. I try to be the word of reason for my family regardless of the topic or the situation.
#17. How important is it to you to be beautiful to your husband? How important is it to your husband for you to be beautiful? What’s your definition of beauty? What are somethings you do to look or feel beautiful? ???365
I don’t put the time or effort into looking as good every day like I could and maybe should. I think in most cases Rob would enjoy having me with my hair down, make-up on, and nicely dressed. ??? ????? Heck, I’d love that too, but with minimal time I have, I think Rob would rather my just be there than be worried about doing my hair and make-up. At times, I have the desire to really make myself look nice. ??? ???? ?????? Don’t most girls want to look pretty and feel good about the way they look? However, most days I throw my hair in a pony tail, slap on some eye liner, mascara, and powder along with the other necessary hygiene routines and keep on truckin’! I think that’s better than nothing at all.
#18. How often do you pray for your husband? What’s a prayer you’ve seen answered?
I pray for my husband everyday. I always pray a little more when Rob is sick that it is not illness that will make us go to the ER and just like this last January, sometimes God has other plans. Maybe it’s to force Rob to slow down and rest. Take a break from all he does. So maybe I didn’t get my immediate prayers answered, but God did answer my prayer for Rob to get better and to be able to come home and not be sick anymore for a long time. 🙂
#19. Have you experienced unemployment in your family? Had your spouse? What was it like?
Yes, I was unemployed for 3 years. It was so difficult, but we were so blessed to be able to stay afloat during that time. Rob was my encourager and motivator during a time when sometimes it took all I had to get out of bed, much less continue the agony of looking through WANT ads and scour the internet for job postings. I wouldn’t wish it on my worst enemy.
#20. How have you handled unexpected crisis situations? Disappointments?
Each situation in life is different. Unexpected problems in life can be tiring, draining, and make you wonder why God is doing this. With these situations, I rely on prayer, family, and friends.
#11. Have you ever done something out of your element? What was it how did you feel after you did it?
With the my change in careers, I’ve had to step out of my comfort zone and do things out of my element. I haven’t loved it all, but I know God has a plan and for that I have tried to look for the good in it all.
#12. Who is a woman you admire and compare to the Proverbs 31 wife?
I really admire Rob’s immediate boss’s wife, Wendi. Both her and Tim are some of the Godliest people I know. They both live by the bible and I know that Wendi lives her life just as Jesus would have her to do.
#13. What something fun you’ve baked?
I’m not sure this is “fun,” but since it’s fall I thought I’d share my Praline Pumpkin Pecan Cake. A nice alternative to pecan pie.
What’s your favorite sweet treat to serve to your family?
I love to bake cookies and muffins.
#14. How do you handle being in control or when you’re not?
Being in control can be both a good thing and a bad thing for me. For various reasons, I have a love/hate relationship with it all.
#15. Sara wonders what she’s made for her family that adds value. What do you have or what have you created that brings value? Do you like to scrapbook or sew or cook special meals? How are these things blessings to your family?
I believe the variety of meals that I cook is something special. I love to cook at holidays and I think that will be something that continues on even when my kids are grown. I hope to be a Grandma that my Grandkids love to come visit and that they enjoy the meals that I make for them. I also document our life with my photography and blog. On top of all that each year I compile keepsakes for each kid from throughout that school year, including artwork, pictures, ticket stubs, etc.
#6. How do you balance work and family?
I’m not sure if I am balancing work and family. With my current job, I leave to go to work when my kids are coming home from school. To me that doesn’t seem “balanced,” but I don’t have another option right now.
Share some tips that have worked for you.
When I worked “normal” hours, I balanced family and work by using the time the kids weren’t there to get everything done, so that in the later afternoons and evenings I could use that time for them (cooking, helping with homework, being a taxi driver, etc.)
Have you ever put your own desires on hold for your family? How has this made you feel?
Not really…
#7. Sara talks about the softness factor–when she’s kind to her husband, he seems to return that kindness to her. Has that been your experience? Why or Why not?
I can see how that would be true. At times, I’ve been able to see a reaction from Rob when I’m super sweet and lovey dovey.
#8. Sara mentions several times in the book the struggle she has with being identified with her work. What’s your view of work, whether in or out of the home?
My view of work? I’m not sure what she’s asking…I guess for me, I view work as a necessity. I love my job now, but I hate that my schedule takes me away from my kids.
How do you typically identify yourself? How do you think others identify you? How do you want to be identified?
I identify myself as a working mom, who does her best to be there any time I can. Even though, I work in the late afternoons and evenings, I try to take my dinner breaks when my kids have soccer games, etc and at least show up for a little while. I hope that my kids remember that I did my best to be there.
#9. Are there areas of your life you find yourself being selfish about? What are they?
I think sometimes, I feel selfish with all the time I spend on photography and blogging. Most of what I do (when it’s not for my business) is for my family and maybe that’s my excuse, but I enjoy having those memories to look back on.
#10. How are your and your husband’s personalities different? The same? How do they compliment each other?
Rob and I are different in so many ways, but we’re alike in ways as well. I think we compliment each other quite nicely. Sorry for the vague answer…I may come back and specify later…
Sunday was my birthday and although, I had to work, we celebrated much of the weekend. We went to Olive Garden Saturday night. Sunday after church we we went to Cheeburger Cheeburger. Rob got me a couple of books that I had wanted. One of them was My So-Called Life as a Proverbs 31 Wife by Sara Horn. I just finished the book. This is really easy read, nothing earth shattering, but I’d never really taken the time to understand what Proverbs 31 says and Sara did a great job of illustrating how she came to try and live to be the wife that God would have her to be, which I really appreciate. I started to answer the discussion questions in my notes, but then I decided to document/share them here on my blog. I hope that with these discussions you will share your thoughts as well.
#1. Read the passage about the Proverbs 31 woman (Proverbs 21:10-31) see below. What are your thoughts about the woman portrayed here?
When I read these verses, she sounds in so many ways perfect. She is smart, talented, organized. She’s a seamstress, a cook, a business woman. She does it all and she does it all with ease. WOW! What high standards for me to live up to…or maybe just strive to be.
Does she make you aspire to be like her?
I’ve always even before reading this strived to be so many of these things. I’ve wanted to learn how to sew. I’ve wanted to be a great cook and be little Suzy homemaker. I’ve wanted to have meals planned out weeks in advance. I want to have a perfectly clean house with all the clothes clean and folded. BUT, just like Sara struggles with in her story, I work a 40 hour job and have a business on the side. My kids are very busy which eats in to my time to do all these things. I’m not using these as excuses, but in many ways it’s physically impossible to do all these things, all the time.
Or do you feel discouraged before you get started? Why?
At times, especially when Rob calls me out on something, I feel discouraged. I’m not necessarily discouraged by the verses. I get upset when I’m trying to juggle all there is to juggle in life and yes, just like Sara, I want it all! I want to do all these things and I want to do them well! What’s so wrong with that?
The Wife of Noble Character
10 A wife of noble character who can find?
She is worth far more than rubies.
11 Her husband has full confidence in her
and lacks nothing of value.
12 She brings him good, not harm,
all the days of her life.
13 She selects wool and flax
and works with eager hands.
14 She is like the merchant ships,
bringing her food from afar.
15 She gets up while it is still night;
she provides food for her family
and portions for her female servants.
16 She considers a field and buys it;
out of her earnings she plants a vineyard.
17 She sets about her work vigorously;
her arms are strong for her tasks.
18 She sees that her trading is profitable,
and her lamp does not go out at night.
19 In her hand she holds the distaff
and grasps the spindle with her fingers.
20 She opens her arms to the poor
and extends her hands to the needy.
21 When it snows, she has no fear for her household;
for all of them are clothed in scarlet.
22 She makes coverings for her bed;
she is clothed in fine linen and purple.
23 Her husband is respected at the city gate,
where he takes his seat among the elders of the land.
24 She makes linen garments and sells them,
and supplies the merchants with sashes.
25 She is clothed with strength and dignity;
she can laugh at the days to come.
26 She speaks with wisdom,
and faithful instruction is on her tongue.
27 She watches over the affairs of her household
and does not eat the bread of idleness.
28 Her children arise and call her blessed;
her husband also, and he praises her:
29 “Many women do noble things,
but you surpass them all.”
30 Charm is deceptive, and beauty is fleeting;
but a woman who fears the Lord is to be praised.
31 Honor her for all that her hands have done,
and let her works bring her praise at the city gate.
#2. How would you describe yourself as a cook? Are you gourmet, short-order, or fast-food?I would say I’m a “good” cook. I love to try new recipes. I think depending on the circumstance I could be all three of these types of cooks. I prefer gourmet though, but sometimes I just want to get it done. With my current job, I don’t get to cook much except on weekends, but I do miss it at times.
Do you love it or hate it?
I get in moods, where I really want to cook. Other times, I have no interest at all.
What’s your favorite thing to cook?
Again, that depends on my mood. I love to try new things, new techniques, and new recipes.
Who taught you to cook?
I did a little cooking with my Granddad growing up, but really, I’ve taught myself. I was just too busy and really uninterested. I remember one time, in high school, I made my grandparents dinner and I did good. I didn’t burn it.
#3. How do you prepare to receive your husband when he walks in the door?
Again with my work schedule, I’m not home in the evenings, so I don’t get to greet him when he comes home. In between semesters my hours change and I am sometimes at home when he gets home, I greet him with a hug and kiss and dinner on stove.
Do you notice a difference with him when you’re happy or cranky?
Well, yah. Who wants to come home to a cranky wife? LOL!
What are come things you might do differently?
I’d like to first just be home when he comes home, but that’s not something I can change right now.
#4. What is your definition of a homemaker?
A homemaker is someone who keeps order in the home, from cooking, cleaning, taking care of the kids, and for the most part just keeping order in the home.
Growing up, what was your perception of a homemaker? What about now?
I was raised by my Grandparents and they both worked from home, so I’m not really sure I was aware of what a “homemaker” was until I became an adult.
Do you consider yourself a homemaker? Why or why not?
I do consider myself a homemaker, because I’m home much of the day. I do what I can to keep the household in order. Much like Sara and Cliff, I believe I share being a homemaker with Rob as he is the one at home with the children in the evenings.
#5. What tries your patience?
I used to be so easy going, had all the patience in the world. As an adult, life has hardened me and my patience has run thin. Many things aggravate me and cause me to lose my patience, like when my kids don’t do as they’re told the first time, when I have to repeat myself, when things don’t go my way, etc.
How do you typically react to things that don’t go your way? Depending on the situation, when I lose my patience, I usually roll my eyes, yell, get sarcastic, feel my neck tense up, occasionally, blow up…Not all of the above, just one of the above.
There are 40 discussion questions, so I’m going to try and answer 5 at time until I’m done. Would love to hear how you’d answer some of these questions.
One of the greatest parts of my job is working with college students. They bring such joy and a different take on life. Their worlds are so different from mine and really most adults. I wonder sometimes if I was that naive…and I’m sure the answer is yes. 🙂
In my department, we employ students of all ethnicities, which is really cool. Many of the students come to the U.S. just to go to college. I can’t even imagine how hard that must be. My international students are great though. They are so eager to learn about American culture and have no problem asking what something means or how to say something in English. Here’s a couple examples.
My student worker from Turkey was talking about the beautiful weather and her plans to go hang out in the nice weather after work. She said, “what is it called with the birds go cheep-cheep-cheep? what’s that called in English?” I had to stop and think. I almost responded with “Tweeting.” no, no, no. Then I responded with “Chirping, it’s called chirping.” She said, “Ahhh, ok, chirping the birds are chirping lots. I whistle at them and they stop and look and then they chirp back and me.”
I wish you could hear her accent. It’s awesome!
One of my Indian student workers (Gautam) turns to the other student worker (Chase), and proceeds to ask what an O-R-G-I-E-S was! Yes, he really spelled it out. As I heard the letters being spelled out I was thinking, “Oh my. Is he really spelling what I think he’s spelling?” My eyes about popped out of my head. Chase responded in a very diplomatic way and Gautam was like “Reeee-ally?” They both looked back and me to see my face turning completely red. Not sure if Gautam was embarrassed or not, but sure was. Turned out he read the word in a textbook. Not sure what orgies have to do with his major, engineering….
1. Today is a good day because… I got to spend extra time with Rob.
2. The best thing I did all week was… I got to have lunch with my best bud.
3. The current weather is… chili and it makes me feel… cold.
4. The best thing about spring is… is the sites and sounds of new life; flowers blooming and birds singing.
5. A fashion trend that I’m dying to try out for spring is… fashion? What’s that? haha
6. A person who made me smile this week was… my best bud who I ate lunch with, Rob, my boys, and my student workers.
7. The most delicious thing I ate all week was… a very small amount of chocolate that I allowed myself to have. I miss eating chocolate everyday, but my waistline will one day be smaller and that will make me very happy.
Daily devotion is an important part of my day that unfortunately I haven’t been faithful with lately.
I love music. I think sheet music is beautiful.
Show Me Your Style
I didn’t have a chance to take a pic of me to show my style this week. I did receive this JC Penney catalogue, which is where I do most of my shopping. I also where lots of orange.
Friday was Dictionary Day at Monkey’s school. His vocab word was DOWDY, which is a synonym for mismatched. How convenient was that?
I was looking around the house for something to snap for this one. I found this and loved the way the pic turned out for it. What’s this thing called? The name of it has slipped my mind and it’s driving me crazy!
A Glimpse
I originally chose this picture because it showed a glimpse into this popular downtown hangout. Then, I noticed the reflection, where you see a glimpse of me! 🙂
I enjoy participating in Postcrossing, where you send and receive postcards from all over the world. This is one of the first ones I received when I started doing this a couple years ago.
Here you see my gift from Rob for Valentine’s Day. Keep an eye out for the funny story that goes along with this.
This weekend we went on a cub scout trip to the McWane Center in Birmingham, AL. What an awesome place! It’s a science museum that covers many types of sciences. I’ll be posting about this soon too. Anyway, the bottom floor was a favorite of many of the scouts. I love the Jelly Fish!
Trending locally for me this weekend was AU Baseball. The boys and I went to the first game Friday afternoon. It was beautiful weather and they pulled out a win!
Teenager signed up for 9th grade classes and got this book that describes the courses and all the good stuff we need to know so he can graduate. I’m still not ok with this. 🙂
Here’s another pic from the McWane Center. Plastic gears.
As in Mama’s shadow, her two babies following behind her.
Mesh. The back of our soccer chairs are wonderful, breathable, great for hot summer days, but not so great when it’s below freezing outside.
Strike a Pose
This is one of my awesome student workers, Marci. She was sporting her BAZINGA shirt (Big Bang Theory) the other day and I just couldn’t resist having her strike a pose. Thanks, Marci! So cute!
These are not my “go to” shoes, but I like them because I usually always wear black shoes. I get excited when I put together an outfit that I can wear these. Pretty comfortable too.
Reading is a hobby I try to embrace. I’ve a pretty slow reader most of the time and my comprehension has never been great. As much as I really want to read this book, “The Help” I may have to give up on it. 🙁 I do enjoy reading. Just hard to find time and the concentration that I need, lately.
Color Me Green
For those of you who enjoy using Avacados in your cooking, you know they have been so expensive for quite some time. Like, $1-2 EACH! I found them recently for 64 cents each. I couldn’t resist. Can’t wait to make some Gauc. 🙂
I am in such a rut right now photography-wise. Blah! Part of it is I’m rushing right here at the deadline to get pics done. I want to be creative, but these last few weeks have been too dang hectic. This week isn’t lookin’ much better.
This weekend I pulled out a box of some of my old miniature toys. I think this is a miniature from Strawberry Shortcake? I like her smile. I tried to get a pic of one of my boys smiling over the weekend, but they weren’t too cooperative with what I was trying to do.
Stand Alone
This table and chairs used to live in my doll house. My Granddad bargained for these on one of our trips to Mexico.
Something Old
At work the other night, I went down to our “closed stacks” where only employees can go. I brought my camera and walked around looking for interesting things to take pics of. I also knew there were some really old books down there. Falling apart old from the 1800’s!
These artificial flowers are on a coworkers desk.
Repeating Patterns
Another item I found in closed stacks….I thought this was a good representation of repeating patterns. How long has it been since you’ve seen a card catalogue?
Day in the Life
Since I work the 2nd shift, the part of the day that I’m home is spent hanging out with Daisy. Last week, I went outside to see if I could capture her going after a squirrel. Here she is trying to figure out how to follow the squirrel up the tree.
I had fun playing with the T-Rex that Monkey got for Christmas. Thought it made for a cute series of FOUR.
This was taken at the Arcade on Saturday night. Post about Saturday coming later today!